10 tips to help you create content for your blog in 2015

10 tips to help you create content for your blog in 2015


1. Write about what you like

It is the key and the basis for maintaining a blog for a long time and enjoy doing. If you decide to set a theme for your blog that do not really passionate about, it will cost more to maintain a consistent routine of creating content. I think that is very noticeable when we read someone who enjoys what he does and of course makes readers enjoy their contents.

2. Try to keep a steady pace

It is important that before you begin to think about the time you devote to create content for your blog. Be clear this is the first step to establish a routine that will "force" to maintain a refresh rate. They have written hundreds of posts about what is the best frequency to write but my short experience with this blog tells me it is preferable to maintain an appropriate pace for ourselves. If you know that you can not spend too much time on your blog, Set yourself a frequency of one or two post weekly (there will be time to increase it)

3. Plan your work to an editorial calendar

Once you've decided how often you are going to create content for your blog, editorial calendar will help you get going and plan your work. This document should reflect the issues that you are dealing in the coming days or weeks, the audience you are addressing, important dates to note in your field ... Good planning is key to a blog has continuity and to maintain a level of quality throughout its life.

4. Find out about your sector in social networks

Social networks allow us to be informed at all times about our sector. Keep up to date on news and trends is very important because all information related to our theme will help us have new ideas for writing.

Here plays a very important role that we have to write about something that really excites us. If you really care about your topic, it will cost you to be informed at all times because you enjoy doing it.

5. Share your content

So you've spent hours and hours to create content for your blog? It's time to share it among your followers . Social networks are the perfect tools to show the world our content and prepare to receive feedback from users.

The views of users (also negative opinions ) will help you improve, you know what topics are of greatest interest to your community and generate ideas for new post.

6. Spy relating to your industry

A visit to the powerful blogs in our industry is a great idea for those who are novice bloggers. A tour of the sites that you like will help inspire you to create content for your blog while you learn from experts.

7. Discuss how your previous post have worked

If you have data on the success (or failure) of your last post, you'll get an idea of ​​the interest awaken new. In my case, I realized that everything I've written about topics related to the work of the Community Manager have had a number of shares and far superior to others that I thought would work well and I was wrong mentions.

8. Set clear objectives

Creating your blog should have a goal. Each will have theirs but I believe it is essential to be clear. Not the same work our personal brand to create a corporate blog, so the way of working will be different in both cases.

Dedicating the time necessary to think why you want to spend your time maintaining your site. A blog without any target has every chance to become a project abandoned in a few months.

9. Exercise creativity

Maintaining a blog requires a constant creative work. Creativity is trained and there are many mechanisms to stimulate it . Creating content for your blog require you to launch your "creative muscle".

It is likely to be complicated at first because it will be something atrophied but over time will help to innovate and create content and innovative views and very interesting.

10. Being consistent

Just with that I think is the best advice I could give anyone who wants to create their site and what it has taught me more this blog. Being consistent is essential to carry out the above.

Once again we return to the beginning of the post, if you write about something you're passionate about will be constant in a natural way because it will be your concern and your desire to improve to lead you to look for information, generate new ideas and taking time to generate content for your blog.

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